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96219Classifica globale
22240Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video24
Nuovi seguaci1.38K
Nuove visualizzazioni2.65M
Nuovi Mi piace278K
Nuove recensioni944
Nuova condivisione35.34K
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isa Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 2.65M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.05% -
Mi piace nella media 8.66K Piace / Visualizzazioni 22.49% -
Recensioni medie 30 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.04% -
Condivisione media 1.07K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 1.34%
isa Video piccanti
#ad #CeraVePartner keeping my skin moisturized in the cold NYC winter @CeraVe
Currently arguing w @lucussung in real life as I post this
i did not expect this…😭😭🎀 @gentlemonster for life #gentlemonster #gentlemonsterunboxing #gentlemonsterjewelry
loves a red lip with every outfit @Hourglass Cosmetics #hourglasspartner
Flying Dutchman don’t sleep 😭 shoutout Rona for putting me on @lucussung
this show was inspired by another theme of nostalgic girlhood 🥹 metallic skirts, pops of lime green and cobalt blue, polka dots, faux fur trimmed fleece & the cutest satin heels 🎀 very different and I love this direction @Sandy Liang
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