Paige Bueckers
10150Classifica globale
2880Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video11
Nuovi seguaci224.88K
Nuove visualizzazioni34.44M
Nuovi Mi piace3.31M
Nuove recensioni17.06K
Nuova condivisione91.48K
Paige Bueckers  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Paige Bueckers Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 34.44M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.65% -
Mi piace nella media 362.41K Piace / Visualizzazioni 13.01% -
Recensioni medie 1.88K Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.05% -
Condivisione media 9.31K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.27%
Paige Bueckers Video piccanti
#ad Money skills are a game changer. Level up with free money tools from @intuit #IntuitPartner
A non ad post!?😝😝😝 #uconn #fyp #boogie #basketball @Azzi Fudd
Ok last #notanad .. back to hibernation i go🫶🏻 #kkarnold #uconn #fyp @KK Arnold
#ad I’m training with a team of derms to stay tough on the court, but gentle on my scalp. See why I’m a new Head of @CeraVe 🗣️ #CeraVePartner
#ad Being a Head of CeraVe has its perks 😉 Nod yes if you like my new @CeraVe Gentle Hydrating Shampoo Bottleheads! #CeraVePartner
#ad Something 👱♀️🏀✨💛 coming soon…stay tuned @Madison Reed and Ulta Beauty #Ad #MadisonReedPartner #TeamColorWonder #MyColorWonder
#ad Now that’s how you get a grip on college 🏀🧡 #getagriponcollege #cheggpartner #collegelife @Chegg
#ad Balance can be so hard to find in college, but you never have to do it alone. Check out how I navigate life on & off the court. #InItTogether #studentmentalhealthweek #cheggpartner #SMHW2025 @Chegg
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