Gaby | RN | Vlogs
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Gaby | RN | Vlogs  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Gaby | RN | Vlogs Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 561.97K Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.17% -
Mi piace nella media 2.86K Piace / Visualizzazioni 14.02% -
Recensioni medie 54 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.15% -
Condivisione media 35 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.13%
Gaby | RN | Vlogs Video piccanti
Missed getting ready with you guys! I want to do get to know me Q&A type of video soon!!! What questions do you guys have? ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nurselife #nursing #nicunurselife #nicunurse #icunurse #icunurselife #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #grwm #grwmroutine #morningroutine #morningcheer #morningmotivation #morningvlog #coffeeathome #skincaretok #cleangirlmakeup #cleangirllook #figsscrubs #scrubs #ootdinspo #workfits #aesthetic #relatable #5ammorningroutine #12hrshifts
Styling my scrubs always feels so iconic!! Absolutely loved this underscrub ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nurselife #nursetok #nursestiktok #stylingtips #stylingideas #stylingoutfits #scrubs #figsscrubs #underscrubs #viralvideo #scrubslife #nicunurse #ootdinspiration #outfitinspo #slickedbackhair #walmartfinds
My self care routine before a 12hr shift! What do you guys do? ☺️ #nighttimeroutine #bedtimeroutine #nightroutine #nightroutineskincare #skincareroutine #nighttimevibes #nighttimeskincareroutine #unwindwithme #unwind #resetroutine #resetwithme #sockcurls #selfcareroutine #selfcaretiktok #selfcareroutine #aesthetic #relatable #asmr
Morning routine with one of my favorite outfits for work!! ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nurses #nursestiktok #nursestiktok #nicunurse #icunurse #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningmotivation #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #scrubs #scrubslife #figsscrubs #underscrubs #ootdinspo #slickedbackhair #buntutorial #cleangirlmakeup #cleangirllook #figs #5ammorningroutine #12hrshifts #aesthetic #relatable
5am morning routine before a 12hr shift! ☺️ #nursesoftiktok #nurse #nurselife #nursestiktok #nursesbelike #nursingstudent #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningcheer #morningmotivation #grwm #grwmroutine #5ammorningroutine #12hrshifts #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #coffeeathome #figs #scrubs #aesthetic #relatable
Clinical morning routine with you guys is so fun!! What do you think of the outfit? ☺️ #nurse #nursepractitionerstudent #npschool #morningvlog #morningroutines #grwmroutine #officeoutfit #clinicals #clinicalrotations #fnp #nursingstudent #nursingschool #morninginmylife #morningmotivation #ootds #outfitideas
Morning routine for my 12hr shift! Loved the color combo of the scrubs ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nurselife #nursetok #nursehumor #nurses #nursing #morningroutine #morningcheer #morningvlog #morningmotivation #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #grwm #morningcoffee #coffeeathome #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #overnightcurls #scrubs #figs #5ammorningroutine #12hourshift #nicunurse #icunurse #aesthetic #relatable
Morning routine for my FNP clinical! These glasses always complete the look ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nursingstudent #npstudent #npschool #nursepractitionerstudent #morningroutine #morningvlog #grwmroutine #grwmforschool #grwmhair #heatlesshair #heatlesscurls #heatlesshairstyles #officeoutfits #officeoutfit #ootdinspiration #aesthetic #relatable #clinicalrotations #clinicals #fnp #mastersdegree
Waking up ready feels so good!! ☺️ love the heatless curls #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #overnightcurls #heatlesscurlstutorial #collagenmask #collagenviral #facemasks #SelfCare #selfcareroutine #selfcaretiktok #selfcaretips #nightimeroutine
I’m obsessed with this makeup vanity! ☺️ #makeupvanity #vanitymirror #vanity #build #vanitymakeup #vanitysetup #viralvanity #amazonfinds #amazonfind #furniture #homedecorideas #homefurniture #vanityroom #vanityorganization #aesthetic #relatable #homefinds #homedecorinspo
Morning routine for my 12hr shift! The strawberry underscrubs are my fave ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nurselife #nursesoftiktok #nursetok #nurses #icunurse #nicunurse #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningmotivation #grwm #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #figs #scrubs #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #sockcurls #easymakeup #fastmakeup #5ammorningroutine #12hrshifts #aesthetic #relatable
First morning routine with you guys in the new place! ☺️ #nursing #nurse #nursetok #nurses #nursestiktok #nursesbelike #nicunurse #icunurse #nurselife #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningmotivation #coffeeathome #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #scrubs #figs #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #workfit #aesthetic #5ammorningroutine #12hrshifts #relatable #nursetiktok
Tomoto soup and grilled cheese for dinner! #cooking #cookingtiktok #tomatosoup #tomatosoupandgrilledcheese #grilledcheese #souprecipe #DinnerIdeas #dinnerwithme #dinnerrecipe #grilledcheesesandwich #recipesforyou #cookingdinner #makedinnerwithme #mealprep #mealideas #easymeals
#ad Easy nails for galantines using Color Street strips! Try Color Street today! @Color Street HQ #easynails #diynails #nailsathome #galentines #galentinesparty #valentinenails #nailstrips
Morning routine for my 12hr shift! Blue scrubs are my fave ☺️ #nurse #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nicunurse #icunurse #icunurselife #nursetok #nurselife #nurses #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningmotivation #coffeeathome #proteincoffee #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #scrubs #figs #ootdinspo #aesthetic #relatable
Morning routine for clinical! My curls were curling today! #nurse #npstudent #nursepractitionerstudent #npschool #grwmroutine #grwm #grwmforschool #morningroutine #morningvlog #morningmotivation #outfitinspo #outfitoftheday #officeoutfits #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #heatlesshairstyles #easymakeup #nursingstudent #nursingschool #aesthetic #relatable
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