36 week prego update 🤣🤰🏽🤯 you know I like to keep it as real as possible 😬 that stage where you don’t know whether it’s contractions or Braxton hicks, whether you’ve pissed yourself or it’s your waters… 🥲 there’s a party going on down there & im not invited deffo not even got guest list 🤣 Obvs Noah makes an appearance 🩵 and he tells me I’m having 6 kids & im going into labour in 4 mins 🤣🤣🤣 Also I’m aware some of you hate me half nakey with my bump out but I’m sorry I don’t give a chuff what you think 😬 if you don’t like it or don’t like what you say click unfollow 🥳 nothing fits me right now & me belleh button looks like a fanny flap x I’m due on the 5th march … but what date do you think little prinny will make an arrival 👇🏼💕 comment your predictions
Feel, smell & look sexeh in @Makesscents ✨😍 get your fave designer inspired perfumes for him, for her & unisex for a fraction of the price 👏🏽🥳 you don’t need to spend over £100-£300 anymore when you can get them for £25 👏🏽 they smell exactly the same, even better and last so long !!!! We have a beltin deal on 3 bottles for £50, 2 bottles for £40 and 1 bottle for £25 😍 plus an extra 10% off with the code DAWSY10 don’t miss out!!! Link in bio xxx Ps I’m rocking red baccarat for date night n it smells even better than the baccarat rouge 😱🌟❤️🥳
When Noah & Jude met their baby sister Gigi 💕 and all the precious little moments we have shared over her first days in the world … 🥹 and when Gigi gave her big brothers their pressies 💕🩵 can’t cope with how grown up Noah is, he’s besotted with her! And Jude is so good with her 🥹 our little fambo is complete 🥰 Ps can we all cope with how big Jude looks next to Gigi 🥲😢🥹 & yes I look like princess Fiona 🤣
Finally got round to filming my hospital bag video.. soz not soz it’s 14 mins long. Watch with a brew or wino 🤣 Noah hahaha tanning Thursdays 😆 I got my amazing bags from @something_a_bit_different perfect if you need help with what to pack in your hospital bag!! Pink bag from @katieloxton if you can see it in the chaos 💕🤣 Obvs lots of vests, baby grows & bibs from @nextofficial 💕 Gigi & Penelope baby grows, tutu & teddy is @georgiebellesboutique they make everything so special 🥲what name shall we go for!! First outfit coming home @babiesinessex Second is from a boutique in my hometown Third outfit is @bellaandlucella Which one… 1,2,3 ??!! 💕🫶🏼 Nipple cream (which is the best ever!!) and can use it for your lips, breast pads, maternity pads @lansinohfamily ✨ Spritz for bits & I just love the products from @my_expertmidwife perfect for birth & recovery 🫶🏼 @placentaplus obvs it’s a must!!!! ✨👏🏽 Skincare from my @saraaroraskin which is so important to make me & my skin feel good ✨ Tanning drops & illuminating skin moisturiser @dawsylicioustanning to give me a boost 👏🏽 @hairchoiceextensions brush & bobbles everything pink 🤣💕 Big Bridget jones knickers, maternity bras, mini toothbrush tooth paste, charger, lots of nighties, my coming home outfit all from Amazon x
I can’t cope with this video 🥹😭 I did not expect that from my Noah… I can’t believe I captured it on video!!! Ohhh I’m so blessed with the most loving beautiful boys 🩵 not long until we have another cherub joining in on tanning Thursdays @Dawsylicious Tanning ❤️ I’m aware my my feet look like monster munch 🤣
Hahahahahahahaha I had to do this in hospital 🤣 if people get bags like this as push pressies then amazing I mean push presents don’t exist in my world but if they did it would be a Maccies 🤣🥳🙌🏼 plz tell me yours in the comments hahahaha
When your fit mate looks like this & making you go out when you feel like a sack of prego spuds 🥔 🤣🤰🏽but there’s one thing that can get me excited to go out & feel fabulous my @Makesscents designer inspired perfumes 😍 smelling good is so important and not being able to break the bank for your favourite perfume is even better 👏🏽 our valentines offer is now live!! You can get 1 bottle for £20, 2 bottles for £35 & 3 bottles for £45 🙌🏼😱❤️but be quick you don’t want to miss out on this belter of a deal!!! The perfect valentines gift for her or him or treat yourself 😍 Link in bio xxx