⭐️ HOME TOUR! ⭐️ As promised here is the full detailed tour of this fabulous home by @cambridgedesignandbuild. This 5 bedroom home has the most gorgeous details! from the chevron flooring, wainscoting and coffered ceilings…to the outdoor entertaining area (how cool is the putting green! ⛳️). A big thank you to Michael for inviting me over to Melbourne and opening up the doors to this beautiful home. . . . #hometour #housetour #melbournebuilder #australianhomes #luxuryhomesmelbourne
⭐️ HOME TOUR!⭐️ today I am sharing this beautiful newly built 4 bedroom home located in Melbourne. The owner sat down with @elementsdesignandbuild and designed her dream home that suited a sloping block. There are so many wonderful details about this home that are a favourite, in particular the long hallway, and how you can see straight down to the main living area. Let me know what your favourite elements of this home is!. I hope you have enjoyed the tour as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you 🥰. . . . #hometour #housetour #melbournehomes #melbournebuilder