The NHS have failed my family so many times, so when anything happens, I fight the case for them. It’s tiring but it’s absolutely worth it and it pains me to think that not everyone has the same knowledge as I’ve gained over the years of what is right and wrong and what can be fought for- meaning so many people have to accept what is said and get no further with anything. On my LIVE the other day, someone commented saying ‘I didn’t even know that service was there’ - which is shocking!!! Because carers or medical professionals seeing to this person will know they’re incontinent - why do we have this service if it’s not being offered? Same with many other parts of the NHS. I take my hat off to those working in the NHS who are really trying to make a difference, but the neglect I’ve seen over the years is outrageous. It’s heartbreaking. Rang over🤍
I still stand by my decision to not tell my little grandma about my mum (her daughter) passing away. It’s not easy for me, but it makes life a lot easier and less stressful for my grandma🤍 #grandma #dementia #dementiaawareness #awareness #awarenessvideo #mum #mam
NO VASE? NO DUCK PANCAKES? NO WONTONS? WHATS GAAAAN ON?! - NEW RED LANTERN CHESTER LE STREET 🤍 #chinese #chinesetakeaway #takeaway #takeawayfood #yum #delicious #newredlantern