Hanging ab workout with some @BSN Supplements N.O. XPLODE Cherry Lime Ice pre-workout to keep the energy up. 3 sets per exercise 10 reps 1.) Knee raise to L-sit 2.) Knee raise to side 3.) Leg raise 4.) Around the world #bsnsponsoredathlete
Try this full body high intensity bodyweight workout to build lean muscle and burn calories. @BSN Supplements 4 rounds 30 seconds work 30 seconds rest 1.) 180 push-up to Aztec push-up 2.) Push-up to side plank twist 3.) Burpee toe touch to push-up tuck 4.) Mountain climber to standing knee crunch #bsnsponsoredathlete
Here is a great ab workout you can do at the gym or at home that will also help you burn calories. I always start my workouts with my @BSN Supplements N.O. XPLODE Cherry Lime Ice pre-workout to stay energized throughout my entire workout. 1.) Side plank crunch to hip dip 2.) Plank crunch. 3.) Standing knee tuck 4.) Seated twisting knee crunch #bsnsponsoredathlete
Try this high intensity bodyweight workout to build lean muscle and burn calories. @BSN Supplements 4 rounds 30 seconds work 30 seconds rest 1.) Single arm burpees 2.) Plank crunch burpees 3.) Shoulder tap mountain climber 4.) Push-up to alligator push-up #bsnsponsoredathlete
Dumbbell core workout with some @BSN Supplements N.O. XPLODE Cherry Lime Ice pre-workout to stay energized for the workout. 3 sets each exercise 10 reps each set 1.) Plank dumbbell hand switches 2.) Crunch to Russian twist 3.) Dumbbell weighted crunch 4.) Punches to crunch #bsnsponsoredathlete