Petty or genius? I got my bonus now I'm clocking out for good. What's the first thing you would do after getting a bonus?? #christmasbonus #securethebag #worksmarternotharder #newyearnewme
Is this how you are going to react when you go back into work tomorrow? Coming back to work after the holiday weekend feels illegal. How do you feel about coming back to work after a long weekend? #4dayweekend #mondaymood #sundayscaries #onthisday
Genius right? Of all the lazy ways that I try to get out of working, this one may take the cake lol what are your thoughts? —> All jokes ppl <- #paycheck #officechair #officehumor
Anyone want a slice? (I only get 2) What has your job given you as a reward for your hard work instead of money? Nothing says hard work pays off like a slice of pizza lol #pizzaparty #officehumor #payraise
Me at work casually playing dumb so I don't get stuck with extra responsibilities. We've all been there before right? Why work harder when you can work smarter? What's your best strategy for avoiding extra responsibilities on the clock?? #worksmarternotharder #workshenanagins #schoolhacks #officehumor
Why do you think everyone got a bonus except me?That's not fair lol I need that bonus so I can quit this job. Does your job give you bonuses? #workplaceproblems #holidaybonus #jobs
How would you react to this? Leave me out the coworker group chat please and thanks. I already get too much interaction with yall on a daily basis. #groupchat #coworkers