Animazione e cultura dei fan
120544Classifica globale
1143Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video29
Nuovi seguaci9.64K
Nuove visualizzazioni3.33M
Nuovi Mi piace250.67K
Nuove recensioni2.06K
Nuova condivisione53.52K
fiefdom_design  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
fiefdom_design Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 3.33M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.29% -
Mi piace nella media 8.19K Piace / Visualizzazioni 11.37% -
Recensioni medie 67 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.06% -
Condivisione media 1.83K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 1.61%
fiefdom_design Video piccanti
Replying to @Ilia Leo Stanfield I have a shopify now for all my mask. Links in my profile 🫶
Replying to @dr.pony I designed and make them! You can find them in my shopify! Links in my profile 👁️🔶👁️🫶
Replying to @@ruh_roh_raggy I invented, hand make and sell these mask! And they’re now available in my BRAND NEW SHOPIFY STORE! link is in my profile! 💐👁️🔶👁️
Replying to @Rosa Martin “how long is this video exactly?!?!” “Yes.”
Replying to @ChaosAndCritters 👁️🔶👁️which on is you, which one is your best friend?
Replying to @a_goth_gamer full credit goes to @simon mayer for this skit, go show them some love 💐
Replying to @buppa_official1 ok ima be real, it’s hard coming up with material when you have to post two three times A DAY
Thank you @Jiyuu this artwork is fantastic! 👁️🔶👁️ great job!
Replying to @Bobbie Sue Peno And I stand by these words 😤
Replying to @sunny I made armour for the kitchen! Can I get a HUZZAH in the comments
Replying to @Katra Siena MY MASK ARE AVAILABLE ON SHOPIFY! Link is in my profile 👁️🔶👁️🫶
Replying to @Jen Etsy is not a platform for the handmade craft. It takes artisans and turns them into cogs in their star seller machine.
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