NYX Professional Makeup
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Nuovi video57
Nuovi seguaci10.66K
Nuove visualizzazioni7.57M
Nuovi Mi piace76.52K
Nuove recensioni2.29K
Nuova condivisione7.37K
NYX Professional Makeup  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
NYX Professional Makeup Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 7.57M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.14% -
Mi piace nella media 885 Piace / Visualizzazioni 1.63% -
Recensioni medie 33 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.03% -
Condivisione media 95 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.1%
NYX Professional Makeup Video piccanti
fat oil 🤝 slim lip pencil 👯♀️ best combo by @Ivette
us on our way to @target 😉🧊 #fatoil #makeup #lipoil
this blush is LOCKED in 🤯 @aneeta wilson #makeuphacks #smudgeproof #blushhack
pov: you just discovered the secret to kissable lips (its fat oil) 👀#nyxprofessionalmakeup #bigfatkiss @Felicerosee
fat oil 🤝 slim lip pencil = MOST KISSABLE LIP COMBO 😘#bigfatkiss #fatoil #lipcombo @Ulta Beauty
should we make a cream bronzer next?? @La China 🫶🏼 🎨 #faceglue #blushhack #makeuphack #DIY
@Brittany + hot mic guy = big fat kiss??? 💋 #thebiggame #nyxcosmetics #fatoil
and that’s a wrap on #bigfatkiss with @Brittany...same time next yr?? 💋 #thebiggame #nyxcosmetics #fat oil
queen @iamASHE has spoken… U NEED OUR ✨NEW✨ #FATOIL CHILLZ ❄️ #lipoil #makeupreview #nyxcosmetics
lip treats that look good enough to eat…which fat oil chillz r u grabbing? 👀 @MayaReneeBeauty #lipoil #lipgloss #makeupreview
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