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Nuovi video33
Nuovi seguaci58.18K
Nuove visualizzazioni36.06M
Nuovi Mi piace5.19M
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brynne  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
brynne Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 36.06M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.16% -
Mi piace nella media 188.28K Piace / Visualizzazioni 24.26% -
Recensioni medie 976 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.07% -
Condivisione media 2.89K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.26%
brynne Video piccanti
Welcome to the Pretty Funny Podcast! We’re so excited to finally be able to share this with you all 🫶🏼 Mark your calendars, our first episode launches March 19th at 12am PST on Spotify and 9am PST on YouTube! New episodes will be releasing every Wednesday. 🔗 in bio!
It’s time for an updated makeup routine!! Prep: @The Ordinary milky toner @Origins Skincare ginzing moisturizer @milkmakeup hydro grip and glow Brows: @NYX Professional Makeup brow glue Eyes: @ONE SIZE BEAUTY liquid eyeliner @Huda Beauty icy nude palette @patrick ta eyeshadow duo Beauty creations single eyeshadow @Benefit Cosmetics bad gal bounce mascara Base: @Kosas under eye brightened @Armani beauty luminous silk foundation @makeupbymario foundation @Natasha Denona concealer @Too Faced cream bronzer Patrick ta blush duo @NARS Cosmetics light reflecting powder Makeup by Mario loose powder @Hourglass Cosmetics bronzer Benefit powder blush and highlighter Milk makeup hydro grip setting spray One size setting spray Lips: @Scrandie Beauty lip plumper @makeupforever anywhere caffeine lip liner Huda beauty lipgloss
I love a pink moment Products used in order: @Kosas revealer concealer shade magic @Natasha Denona concealer shade r2 @Juvia’s Place liquid blush shade blush Lily @Huda Beauty loose powder shades sugar cookie and ube birthday cake @Patrick Ta Beauty blush shade just enough/highlighter shade baby Huda beauty icy nude palette
I CAN’T BELIEVE I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU!!!! Brynne x @EVRY JEWELS coming tomorrow, Jan 31 10am PST 🥹🩷
OOOOO I’M SO EXCITED Products shown (in order): @Origins Skincare ginzing spf moisturizer @NYX Professional Makeup face glue primer @Benefit Cosmetics brow wax @Armani beauty glow enhancer @makeupforever face palette @Saie liquid bronzer @ONE SIZE BEAUTY liquid eyeliner @hudabeautyshop icy nude palette @Kosas under eye corrector Armani beauty luminous silk foundation @makeupbymario foundation
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