If I can put a smile on someone’s face that’s what I’m gonna do💕💕 October is breast cancer awareness month! Meet @est.withchare who is 💕CONQUERING 💕stage 4 breast cancer. She was one of my wig winners for hairloss. Her and her stylist @sallysbaby@IAMCOURTNEY ® came from Mississippi wanted to learn how to apply her wig using @boldholdlaceproducts, and you know I was delighted to show them. I started my career right out of cosmetology school over 27 years ago at a hair club hairloss center so that I could learn how to service the hairloss community. I always wanted to be able to give my clients the proper services when needed. It’s such a refreshing feeling when you can make a person feel good in a world that brings so much pain. Today she taught me how important using the word CONQUERING gives her a sense of strength. This word will now replace battling when I speak about Cancer Awareness. Guys if you want to help your community in any type of way please reach out to local charities there are so many ways you can help. Here are my two fav @beatingcancerbeautifully@intentionallyprettyinc thank you @sayo_beauty for providing makeup 💕💕💕 #cancerawareness #cancerousmemes #cancerwarrior #worldcancerday #Chemotherapy #stage4cancer #hairloss #boldhold #fulllacewig #BreastCancerAwareness #cancersucks