Dumb Ways to Die
1795Classifica globale
23Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video24
Nuovi seguaci115.83K
Nuove visualizzazioni126.84M
Nuovi Mi piace11.95M
Nuove recensioni56.08K
Nuova condivisione3.11M
Dumb Ways to Die  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Dumb Ways to Die Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 126.84M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.09% -
Mi piace nella media 190.67K Piace / Visualizzazioni 12.59% -
Recensioni medie 879 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.04% -
Condivisione media 50K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 2.45%
Dumb Ways to Die Video piccanti
walk it off champ @madiccen #fyp #fail #dwtd
act cool so they think this is a regular occurence @mexhlq #dwtd #meme #fyp
anyone else still looking for the spider...@brendanrogers4x4 #fyp #dwtd #fail #spider
my first impression of this person @ygornapiorfase #dwtd #fyp #unwrittenatashabedingfield
do u...do u think he saw it coming...@starrr_theofficial @matteoj.s1 #dwtd #fail #mirrormaze
WHY IT DO THAT 😭 @tinhaqueseranna #angrydog#freshnails
the camera man never gets hit @benj4jm #fyp #rollercoaster #dwtd #fail #waterpark
thats not just any snake homie @yeedema #dwtd #fyp #snakesoftiktok
bon appétite baby @RIiIN0 #cookingfail #burntdumplings
my life when I decide to smile @Sweetie pie #tablefail
my cheese doesnt cheese the way this cheese cheese yk?@dietpepsiqueenie #cheesepull #fail #dwtd
the power of friendship 🤜🤛 @_kat_katka_ #dwtd #besties
I need to know how he managed that @annie #trippingover #rain
the ghosts got him first @dragun0201 #fyp #meme #dwtd
the skill, the PRECISION @serhattahmett17 #fyp #fail #prank #dwtd
now that’s some training @@arannnsamsam #firefighter
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