Gordon Ramsay
Paese/regione:Regno Unito
Conto celebrità
Prodotti alimentari e bevande
55Classifica globale
2Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video6
Nuovi seguaci3.97K
Nuove visualizzazioni32.74M
Nuovi Mi piace1.89M
Nuove recensioni35.36K
Nuova condivisione25.63K
Gordon Ramsay  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Gordon Ramsay Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 32.74M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.01% -
Mi piace nella media 231.6K Piace / Visualizzazioni 5.63% -
Recensioni medie 4.76K Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.11% -
Condivisione media 2.86K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.08%
Gordon Ramsay Video piccanti
#duet with @Netflix Guys, seriously ?!? Leave the cooking to me ! #backinaction #ramsayreacts
Saying cheese at the table was not on my bingo card on #KitchenNightmares tonight 😬 (and next day on @hulu)
Apparently everything is bigger in Texas….including the dirty kitchens 😬 #KitchenNightmares is back tonight or next day on @hulu
BYOF. That’s a new one for me on #kitchennightmares 🍴see you tonight or next day on @hulu
Give me a S A L T….that’s what this salmon needs ! It’s the #KitchenNightmares finale tonight at 8/7c on FOX and next day on @hulu
Well that’s one way to treat pub food 😳 #KitchenNightmares is back tonight ! (Or @hulu next day)
Oh boy….this is going to be a long season !! #KitchenNightmares is back tonight and tomorow on @hulu….my stomach is ready 🤢
#duet with @Recipes with Jay See when you listen to me 😉 #ramsayreacts
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