The in-ear tea stays hilarious… GUYS! Episode 3 of Studio Tea with Mimi Webb is out tomorrow with my BAND from last years UK tour with the Jonas Brothers. We talk all things touring and give you the insight on what touring is actually like (and all the fun we have). Live tomorrow on my YouTube channel at 5pm UK / 12pm ET / 9am PT! Link in bio loves 😍💋
I am SO excited to share something special for you guys while I’ve been away in the studio.. Studio Tea with Mimi Webb 😍🥰🩵. I’ve been wanting to find a way to share more with you guys about my life, tour, and some of the secrets behind my songs so I’ve put together a small series of episodes for you guys to tune into. The first episode is yours TOMORROW on my YouTube channel at 5pm UK / 12pm ET / 9am PT legendssss!! Lets gooooo!!! Link in bio 💞💞