Just Women’s Sports
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Nuovi video62
Nuovi seguaci34.69K
Nuove visualizzazioni26.68M
Nuovi Mi piace909.95K
Nuove recensioni9.15K
Nuova condivisione60.24K
Just Women’s Sports  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Just Women’s Sports Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 26.68M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.13% -
Mi piace nella media 16.51K Piace / Visualizzazioni 7.42% -
Recensioni medie 165 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.03% -
Condivisione media 1.03K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.23%
Just Women’s Sports Video piccanti
Get Kelsey Plum in the Super Bowl 👀 #football #basketball #launch #rocket Via @San Antonio Spurs
Things you love to see: this 🥹 (via @sally) #Soccer #teamwork #sportsmanship
This rally was INSANE 😳😳 #viralvideos #volleyball (via @Big Ten Network)
Got her revenge 😮💨 #Soccer #futbol⚽️ #revenge #goal Via @Zoe Suarez
Makes it look easy 😮💨 (🎥 via @tanyaharris_73) #lifting #weightlifting #powerlifting
Came out of nowhere with that slide #Soccer #futsal #futbol⚽️ (Via @GoHardFutsal)
Who would you play this with? ⬇️ (via @mario.fc) #Soccer #drill #athlete
Number 10’s reaction though 💀 (Via @Kensi Hollenbach) #basketball #volleyball #dualsport
The heart in this performance #singing #dancing #funny #performance #halftimeshow Via @mallory maedell
Throw in goes hard #Soccer #futbol⚽️ #viral #flip Via @Andrew Meier
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