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Nuovi video5
Nuovi seguaci-237
Nuove visualizzazioni96.95K
Nuovi Mi piace5.27K
Nuove recensioni203
Nuova condivisione94
johanis  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
johanis Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 96.95K Seguaci / Visualizzazioni -0.24% -
Mi piace nella media 1.07K Piace / Visualizzazioni 21.58% -
Recensioni medie 126 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.21% -
Condivisione media 22 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.1%
johanis Video piccanti
GRWM: Lover Girl Makeup Tutorial 💗🧸 all my products r from @sephora ♡
💋Its giveaway time ! 💄 RULES 1. Like this tiktok 2. Make sure you’re following this account and my insta (j0.ms) 3. Comment the names of all the products shown in this video BONUS: The more posts you like, the more chances I’ll notice you! ✨😍 Giveaway ends 7th March at 12am (Open to MY & SG only) Everybody say thank you @sephora 🖤
Say hello to my new favorite spot! 🛋️ This @joeysofa in forest is suuuch a gorgeous shade! 🌳✨ Perfect for everything from movie nights to mid-day lounging. PSA: You can get RM100 off your first Joey Sofa purchase with my code SOFAJOHANIS100! (You’re welcome 😘) #JoeySofa #ASeatForEverySituation
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