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THE VILLAINS OF ONE PIECE😭💔 #onepiece #farukms #luffy #smokeronepice #strawhats
Explaning each photo since anime has helped me so much through college🤞🖤 Panel 1: Yelena from Attack on Titan is such an interesting character. She was so loyal to Zeke and this panel captures the moment where she thought she won and everything was going to go according to Zeke’s plan. Her pure joy in this moment represents the pure joy in me finally being able to graduate! Panel 2: My favorite number when I was a kid was number 4, leading to Minato being of one of my favorite characters in all of Naruto. I loved Minato because he showed me that being kind doesn’t mean being weak. He also sacrficed so much and passed away at age 24, the age I am now. No matter how old I get, I will do my best to never take anything for granted. Panel 3: Shikamaru is the most relateable character in Naruto for me. I found myself being lazy and finding the easiest ways to do things up until my last college paper. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing. I cared about school alot, but never over family or the truly important things in life. Yet like Shikamaru, I still ended up okay! Work smarter not harder! Panel 4: Sakumo Hatake. College can be extremely lonely man. Ive always said it was simuntaneously the best and worst time of my life. Sometimes you feel like you have no one. Even though I have friends and family, I never wanted to bother them becuse everyone has their own problems they’re facing. Who was to say they had time for me? But I was wrong to think this way. Because if one of my loved ones reached out to me for help, I’d drop everything I was doing to help them. You are more important than you think, but not so important to be unworthy of help. Reach out to your loved ones. That’s what they are there for sometimes :) Panel 5: This panel is from Vagabond where Musahi says “I am absolutely nobody”. It’s a humble approach to a person going through trials and triubulations. To be nobody is to destroy you’re ego. Nobody is below you, but nobody is above you either. You just are! The beauty of life is that you get to experience it! All the good AND the bad. One does not exist without the other! Accept it all! Panel 6: Not gonna lie, I just think Kira Yoshikage is cool and the definition of what a villain is supposed to be. I used to dislike him because he opposes all logic. He’s smart but for all the wrong and weird reasons. More importantly, his ego was completely shattered in DIU, providing us with one of the most satisfying villain endings in all of JJBA. Panel 7: The final stop. If you made it this far, I truly appreciate you for reading. You now understand this random person on the internet a lot better. I took this bus to nearly every class I went to througout college. Though It was only my last semester that I truly appreciated its scenery. This is one of my favorite photos because it signifies the end of a long chapter in my life! Thanks for reading!🙏🏾
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