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yves  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
yves Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 12.61M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.11% -
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Recensioni medie 138 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.02% -
Condivisione media 607 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.11%
yves Video piccanti
One of the best jumps from 2024!😱🐟 Would you agree? #fish #jump #wow #sturgeon #bucketlist #fishingtrip #fraserriver #sturgeonco #fishingcharters
It’s a special feeling to seeing the biggest fish of your life 🐟😳 #big #fish #fishing #videos #sturgeon #sturgeonfishing #fyp
Extra hands needed landing this giant!💪💪 #giant #fish #sturgeon #fishing #fyp
Be very careful 😱 #fish #fishing #fyp #videos #sturgeon #2025
Look at the size of this fish😱 how many lbs do you think it weighs? #giant #fish #wow #sturgeon #fishing #sturgeonfishing #fyp
Unbelievable 😳🐟 how many feet is it? #fish #fishing #bucketlist #sturgeon #fishingtrip #2025 #fyp
Check out his reaction after seeing this giant fish come out of the river😳🐟 #giant #fish #sturgeon #fishing #fyp #videos
Quick get away 🐟 #fish #fishing #sturgeon #bucketlist #fishingtrip
It’s a special place to be this time of the year!❄️🐟 can you name fish and river?? #winter #fishing #bucketlist #fishingtrip #fish #2025
The coldest double header I’ve ever experienced🥶🐟🐟 Dealing with ice chunks, snow and our gear freezing up we ended having one of the best days of fishing in my life🙌❄️ #winter #sturgeon #fishing #sturgeonfishing #bucketlist #fishingtrip #fraserriver
River 🦕 #fish #fishing #fraserriver #sturgeonfishing #sturgeon #fishingtrip
Freshwater river monster on the Fraser River 😱🐟 have you fished for sturgeon before? #fish #fishing #sturgeon #videos #sturgeonfishing #fraserriver #sturgeonco
What a feeling to be this close to such a giant fish! 😱 Do you want to experience this? #fish #fishing #sturgeon #sturgeonfishing #fyp #videos
Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the biggest fish of your life!😱🐟 #giant #fish #fishing #sturgeon #2025 #bucketlist #fishingtrip #yvesbissonsturgeonco #fyp #fraserriver #sturgeonfishing
Always exciting fishing for the biggest freshwater fish in the world!🌎 🐟 #big #fish #wow #sturgeon #fishing #videos #sturgeonfishing #bucketlist
Unbelievable double header with 2 giant fish🐟🐟 What a great start to our March fishing! #fishing #sturgeon #fish #videos #sturgeonfishing #fraserriver #sturgeonco #bucketlist #2025
Land of giants 😱 What’s the biggest fish you’ve caught??🐟 #big #giant #fish #fishing #videos #sturgeon #sturgeonfishing #bucketlist
Crazy bite today including a few double ups and some big jumpers 🐟🐟 March fishing 🎣 on 🔥 right now! #fishing #sturgeon #fish #videos #sturgeonfishing #fraserriver
Giants roaming amounst us😱 how big do you think it is??🐟 #giant #fish #fishing #videos #fyp #sturgeon #sturgeonfishing
Going underwater 💦👁️🐟 #giant #fish #fishing #sturgeon #fyp #videos #sturgeonfishing
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