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Nuovi video13
Nuovi seguaci69.92K
Nuove visualizzazioni30.68M
Nuovi Mi piace4.45M
Nuove recensioni12.21K
Nuova condivisione79.39K
ameliadimz  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
ameliadimz Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 30.68M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.23% -
Mi piace nella media 408.75K Piace / Visualizzazioni 26.17% -
Recensioni medie 1.42K Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.04% -
Condivisione media 7.89K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.26%
ameliadimz Video piccanti
babygirl 💋 @Chicken Shop Date with Harris Dickinson out FRIDAY xx
Ahead of Oscars this Sunday, I spoke to some of the fantastic nominees❣️over chicken nuggets and chips of course! Interviews from my pre-Oscars brunch out soon on @The Oscars YouTube ! #AcademyPartner #Oscars #JesseEisenberg #MikeyMadison #YuraBorisov
Bringing you the latest star-studded interviews from the Oscars red carpet 🎤🩵 make sure to watch the full video on my Youtube :) thank you @The Oscars i love you !! #oscars #academypartner #timotheechalamet #kieranculkin #mikeymadison #fernandatorres #adrienbrody #cynthiaerivo #benstiller
Catching up with Conan O’Brien ahead of the biggest night in Hollywood! 🎤 Don’t forget to watch the Oscars tomorrow at 4pm PST/7pm EST ! @The Oscars #Oscars #academypartner
Everything but 💋 Harris Dickinson @Chicken Shop Date out now xx
The business of comedy with Kristen Wiig 🎤 @Saturday Night Live - SNL #snl50
Couldn’t bring a chicken shop to @The Oscars so they built me a set… let’s get this show on the road and interview some Oscar nominees!
A dream come true to host the @Saturday Night Live - SNL 50th Anniversary Special red carpet tonight ! Interviews coming soon ❣️
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