Nicole • Main Street Sweets
52859Classifica globale
12818Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video45
Nuovi seguaci35.28K
Nuove visualizzazioni11.49M
Nuovi Mi piace862.13K
Nuove recensioni4.71K
Nuova condivisione10.73K
Nicole • Main Street Sweets  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Nicole • Main Street Sweets Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 11.49M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.31% -
Mi piace nella media 16.06K Piace / Visualizzazioni 10.85% -
Recensioni medie 103 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.04% -
Condivisione media 175 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.09%
Nicole • Main Street Sweets Video piccanti
Replying to @larissa let’s box up my orders for the March flavor of the month! 💚 #cakepops #cakepopprep #cakepoppackaging #fyp #foryou
Replying to @Tamara Adair time stamps for prepping & dipping 52 cake pops ⏰ #cakepops #cakepopprep #cakepopdough #fyp #foryou
Replying to @kort🌷 ✨ #cookiecake #buttercream #pipingbuttercream #asmr #fyp #foryou
#ad peeps cake pops > regular peeps 🐥💛 shop @Daisy Makes for this bunny popper & so many more fun Easter designs!!!
let’s reheat some chocolate 🍫 also a warm welcome to @Nicole • Behind The Sweets 🤘🏼 #cakepops #meltingchocolate #compoundchocolate #fyp #foryou
Replying to @lebanonhearts the verdict!! 👀 #cakepops #cakepopprep #cakepopdough #cakepoprecipe #fyp #foryou
#ad tools designed to make your cake pop lives easier 🙌🏼 there’s a reason @Daisy Makes is taking over the cake pop world!! 🌎
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