It’s not enough, I need more color, more plants, should I stencil the chairs?? Should I paint the fan???🥲🫠 #cozyhome #cottagehome #diyhome #diyprojects
Recipe below 4-5 lb chicken (inside parts removed) Olive or avocado oil 1 stick of butter 3-50 cloves of chopped garlic Salt, pepper, Italian seasoning Carrots and potatoes 1 lemon Half cup of water 1. Preheat oven to 400 F. You can use a cast iron pan, Dutch oven or Pyrex dish. Add oil in the bottom of your pan and add veggies, toss with salt, pepper and Italian seasoning and more drizzled oil 2. Melt one stick of butter and add chopped garlic. Make sure butter isn’t boiling or hot, just melted. You can let it cool a bit if needed. 3. Pat chicken dry and remove inside parts (if this grosses you out, just shake them out into a bag or the trash lol salt and pepper the chicken. Cut a lemon in half and put inside chicken cavity, you can tie the legs together but you don’t have to. Pour melted butter underneath the skin and on the outside of the chicken. Drizzle with a little bit more oil and add half a cup of water to bottom of pan 4. Cook chicken uncovered for 1 hour and 20 minutes. If you have the time, take chicken out every 20-30 minutes and baste the juices all over the chicken and veggies (my baster broke so I used a spoon lol). This gives the chicken a crispy skin. 5. Chicken is done when internal temp is 165 or juices are clear.
Recipe below For the tortillas I just look up an easy recipe, they turn out different every time but they’re always so good. You can also just use store bought tortillas, pita, etc. -3 cans artichoke hearts -2 eggs -cup or more of grated Parmesan -2-3 cups of bread crumbs (or more) -avocado oil and 2 tbsp butter for frying -salt, pepper and onion powder/garlic powder optional -whatever toppings you like -sauce is tons of chopped garlic, 1 cup sour cream, 1/2 mayo, juice from whole lemon, dill, salt and pepper. Splash of water can be added if you like a thinner consistency. 1. Drain artichokes and chop up. Add artichokes, eggs, bread crumbs, Parmesan and seasonings to bowl. 2. For into a flat circular shape, like a patty. You can make these small or larger like I did here. 3. If you have the time, you can cover and refrigerate these whole your oil heats up. Heat oil and butter in a pan, just about 1/4”-1/2” of oil, the patties don’t need to be fully submerged. 4. Depending on how big you shaped them, they could take anywhere from 2-5 minutes per side. You want a nice crispy outside. I cook 3-4 at a time (depending on size). I also have my oven on low with a baking pan and will let them hang out in there until they’re all done. 5. Assemble however you like