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Natalie  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Natalie Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 31.14M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.1% -
Mi piace nella media 105.25K Piace / Visualizzazioni 12.45% -
Recensioni medie 856 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.08% -
Condivisione media 1.35K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.14%
Natalie Video piccanti
Replying to @lanahholwerda the way this eatssss #makeupchallenge Products Used: @elfcosmetics lipstick @maccosmetics lipstick @KimChi Chic Beauty lipstick @Juvia’s Place lipstick @Charlotte Tilbury lipstick
Replying to @froman396 i can’t wait for the final look #makeupchallenge Products Used: @Anastasia Beverly Hills brow pencil @Smashbox Cosmetics primer @IT Cosmetics cc cream @tarte cosmetics concealer, bronzer
i mean.. it could be worse. part 2! #makeupchallenge Products Used: @Rare Beauty blush @Laura Mercier setting powder @Benefit Cosmetics mascara @Charlotte Tilbury lips
Replying to @hannah_bella994 this is hard!! but so nostalgic #makeupchallenge
Replying to @lyrararraaaraaa who is sheeee!!! #makeupchallenge Products Used: @Patrick Ta Beauty palette @Kosas foundation @L.A. Girl Cosmetics concealer @Morphe Cosmetics palette @makeupforever lip liner
the final look!!! eeeek!!! part 2 #makeupchallenge Products Used: @maccosmetics lipstick @TIRTIR Inc. lipgloss @elfcosmetics lipstick
Replying to @des7256 this was a FAILLLL omg i’m so upset #makeupchallenge
Replying to @melisagulfen who is she!!! #makeupchallenge Products Used: @NYX Professional Makeup brow lift, jumbo eyeliner @e.l.f. Cosmetics primer @Saie starglow, sunmelt @Huda Beauty concealer @Kylie Cosmetics cream blush @Too Faced powder blush @Patrick Ta Beauty eyeshadow
Replying to @tvshowsandmovies28 the nose contour!!!! #makeupchallenge Products Used: @Anastasia Beverly Hills brow pomade @Catrice Cosmetics primer @elfcosmetics foundation @Milani Cosmetics bronzer
Replying to @..zjil my fav look ever #makeupchallenge Products Used: @Anastasia Beverly Hills brow pomade @elfcosmetics putty primer @urban decay foundation @Rare Beauty contour @Saie blush @Charlotte Tilbury lip liner, lipstick
Replying to @problematic._.child02 omg why am i so bad at this #makeupchallenge
Replying to @happily114 pretty in pink heheh #makeupchallenge
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