#30daysrantchallenge may the soul of my dearest Abba Musa Shehu,my baby brother and best friend rest in perfect peace… Nigeria failed him but it doesn’t mean it should continue to fall others. We need to improve emergency response infrastructure have a centralized Emergency Call System-Establish a nationwide toll-free emergency number (like 911) that connects directly to the nearest available ambulance. GPS Tracking & Dispatch System-Implement technology that allows real-time tracking of ambulances and efficient dispatching based on proximity. It is qadr (preordained) that my brother would pass away at the time that he did at age 16 but we can’t just fold our hands specially referring to #arewa And keep saying ‘babu komai qadarache’ we have to not just speak up but also give solutions… yes,it was destined but your silence of the situation can cause harm to someone else.
Can’t wait for the full interview! Got invited by the shehu Musa yar’adua foundation to talk about change begins with me. My NGO that focuses on the sustainable development of goals 5,6&13. 🤍 #sdggoals #sustainabledevelopmentgoals
Understanding locus Standi <3 More intro,a longer caption and other law content on @casechronicle lowkey using you guys to study for mid terms lol #locusstandi #lawtok #lawstudent #fyp
It’s sad that this has to even be a conversation! EPILEPSY DOES NOT EQUAL POSSESSION! I’m sorry to everyone going through this,I stopped spreading awareness about epilepsy/seizure disorder because I thought it was a closed chapter in my life… I didn’t want to look back at the trauma and be reminded of it everyday,I stopped taking my meds and the b*** is back,and she is confirmed to be epilepsy not just a seizure disorder. The first doctor I was taken to a family doctor in April of 2021 he should get his medical license revoked in my opinion because my mum told me the foolish man said to take me back home and do ruqya for me (basically just pray the seizure away) lol sha follow @unshaken.ng on instagram for an awareness campaign. ##epilepsyawareness##seizuredisorder##fyp
In @nans.bello words the National Assembly should better delete any posts celebrating women they have saved in their drafts lol. Clearly we aren’t ready to talk about a bigger matter at hand which is on holding leaders accountable… wdym after she gains the courage to talk about a sexual advance made on her they magically create charges against her to suspend her… we aren’t stupid and we will not be quiet about this… soo disappointed in the First Lady’s statement regarding this.it truly is embodying how women are women’s biggest problem in nigeria. #iwd2025 #natashaakpoti
Comment some heart emojis 🤍 My most frequently asked question about CBWM is ‘how can I join’…For the change begins with me club I’m hoping to set up to help with the launch of the balloon and zee zee’s bridge you can leave a comment on here with your name,school (secondary or university) and what country,my team will be sure to reach out to you <3 change really does begin with each of us 🤍
I kept saying 2022 because I can’t fathom that 2020 was 5 YEARS AGO!!! #endsars was 5 years ago ?! I can’t wait to see this movement become mainstream ! #endbadgovernanceinnigeria #30daysrantchallenge
Random thought but I believe mid terms are way more important than finals 🥲with regards to actually understanding wth is going on in class… missed almost 2 weeks of school ngl catching up is proving extremely difficult ! But all will be well !