69682Classifica globale
16530Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video19
Nuovi seguaci8.91K
Nuove visualizzazioni2.87M
Nuovi Mi piace178.15K
Nuove recensioni4.37K
Nuova condivisione44.64K
Brooke  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Brooke Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 2.87M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.31% -
Mi piace nella media 9.24K Piace / Visualizzazioni 7.86% -
Recensioni medie 226 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.15% -
Condivisione media 2.27K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 1.55%
Brooke Video piccanti
🎤 @Colin Rourke at the #doctor #office #standup #comedy #relatable #mom
🎤@Chad Daniels but why does the puppy dog stick to the fridge?! #parents #parenting #funny #standup #lipsync #skit
🎤@Jim Gaffigan we do do this. #Relationship #marriage #humor #standup #comedy
🎤@Aaron Weber 🤣😷🤣#urgentcare #doctor #sick #season #standup #comedy
@peteholmes this was one of my favorites to make in 2024. #standup #comedy #humor #God #universe
@Ron White 😎 no but keep telling us we are pretty. #funny #relatiosnhip #advice #standup #comedy
🎤@Josh Wolf Whose your #hallpass mine is at the end. #marriage #couple #standup #comedy #relatable #Relationship
🎤@Jason Banks kids who can’t read good. #restaurant #reviews
🎤 @Dusty Slay luckily for you I never know what time it is #standup #comedy #time #help #relateable #xyzbca
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