Elisa Sgn
767475Classifica globale
14210Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video10
Nuovi seguaci1.63K
Nuove visualizzazioni2.93M
Nuovi Mi piace26.29K
Nuove recensioni295
Nuova condivisione737
Elisa Sgn  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Elisa Sgn Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 2.93M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.06% -
Mi piace nella media 354 Piace / Visualizzazioni 1.91% -
Recensioni medie 7 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.01% -
Condivisione media 6 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.03%
Elisa Sgn Video piccanti
brought my Jordan 5s to Seoul @GOAT 🌟 | ad #getdressedwithme #jordan #streetwear #baggyjeans
ad | spring ready @Desigual 💗 #grwm #springoutfit #styling #desigual
Summer outfits loading bcs if Benito drops an album it’s summer idc Video inspo : @Tina Hirschson 💗 #summeroutfit #badbunny #holidayoutfit
Can’t wait to wear those without freezingggg Video inspo : @alison 🍵 Outfit details 🌟 Outfit 1 Red leather jacket - vintage Jeans - yproject Bag - Hieta Shoes - thrfited Outfit 2 Denim set - unbornsociety Outfit 3 Everything thrfited Outfit 4 Everything thrifted Outfit 5 Top - atelier tulpe Skirt - thrfited Outfit 6 Jeans - houseofsunny Everything else - thrifted #streetwear #outfitinspo
The obsession with earth tones continues in 2025 apparently Outfit details 🌟 Outfit 1 Fur - thrifted Belts - thrifted Jeans - yproject Boots - miista Bag - thrifted Outfit 2 Bag - hieta Everything else - thrifted Outfit 3 Top - thrfited Jeans - Bershka (old co) Belt - thrfited Shoes & bag - thrfited Outfit 4 Coat - Desigual Leather jacket - vintage Pants - mango Shoes - miista Headpiece - indépendant shop Seoul #recentoutfits #OOTD #styleinspo
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