We are waiting to hear what exactly is expected from us. But we will definitely apply and go if we are allowed. We have lost everything we built up in South Africa, so we don't see any reason why we can't start from scratch in America. What do you have to say about "family? #Afrikaner #suidafrika #afrikaans
The Afri..can tri..bes mi..grated to South Africa around 100 years later. We fou..ght three dea..dly wa..rs to retain our country. Show me one war where any Afri..can tri..be fou..ght in their own capacity in DEFENCE of #SouthAfrica #afrikaans #afrikaners
#PaulKagame ’s government is in big trouble. The European Parliament has voted to stop all mineral deals and cut European aid to #Rwanda because of Rwanda’s reported involvement in violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the #Congo #DRC. Out of 720 members, 443 supported the decision, showing that Europe is losing patience with Kagame’s actions. For many years, Kagame’s government has depended on money from Europe and trade deals to stay strong. Now, that support is being taken away. Without EU funds and mineral trade, Rwanda’s economy will struggle badly. The country is already facing problems, and this new decision will make things even worse. The EU says the suspension will only be lifted if Rwanda proves that every Rwandan soldier has left Congolese territory. This is a tough demand, and Kagame’s government may not be able to avoid the consequences. Without European help, Kagame will lose power and influence. His government is becoming weaker, and international support is disappearing. With the economy at risk and people inside Rwanda becoming more unhappy, his rule is falling apart. This could be the beginning of the end for Kagame. The EU’s decision is a big step towards removing him from power. #BreakingNews #News #africa