David Seybering
44758Classifica globale
933Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video70
Nuovi seguaci25.95K
Nuove visualizzazioni25.54M
Nuovi Mi piace930.45K
Nuove recensioni3.15K
Nuova condivisione35.76K
David Seybering  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
David Seybering Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 25.54M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.1% -
Mi piace nella media 8.21K Piace / Visualizzazioni 5.8% -
Recensioni medie 31 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.01% -
Condivisione media 349 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.14%
David Seybering Video piccanti
1. Don't toss the ball too high for a float serve 2. open your hand for serve and attack for more control 3. keep your arms straight and give the ball impulse with your shoulders 4. don't throw the ball too far behind your head for a float serve (keep it over your hitting shoulder) 5. keep your arms away from your upper body (around 90 degrees) #volleyball #haikyuu #beginner #right #wrong #mistake
How you can practice a pancake #volleyball #pancake #practice #level #up #gonnagetloud @TaraMacri
Did u know these? #volleyball #serve #rules #arm @jasonscottandthehighheat #highcountry
Level up your attack with this wall drill 🏐💪🏼 #volleyball #drill #attack @awakeanddreamingband #musicdiscovery
How not to serve #volleyball #serve #beginner @jacklanigan19
Did u know these? #volleyball #rules #things @twelveocmusic_
How to serve over the net #volleyball #serve #beginner #float @adem #bogoceli
I understand it now #volleyball #haikyuu #set #middle #first #tempo #backseat @louisegoffinmusic
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