Joao Doce
6381Classifica globale
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Nuovi video3
Nuovi seguaci-8833
Nuove visualizzazioni1.41M
Nuovi Mi piace54.67K
Nuove recensioni38
Nuova condivisione423
Joao Doce  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Joao Doce Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 1.41M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni -0.62% -
Mi piace nella media 27.09K Piace / Visualizzazioni 5.68% -
Recensioni medie 19 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0% -
Condivisione media 146 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.03%
Joao Doce Video piccanti
Thanos 🔥 #squidgame #round6 #thanos #bigbang #bangbangbang #kpop #kdrama #netflix @Netflix
Oiiia oiaa 💚 @Ethel the OIIA Cat #cat #catsoftiktok #cats #chonk
#AD I’ve already sculpted a lot of characters, but this time, I took on something truly eerie… a Ghoul from Fallout 76! 💀🔥 With the new Ghoul Within update, you can finally turn your character into a ghoul for the first time ever! No need for food or water, radiation heals you, and you get a brand-new Feral Meter + 30 perk cards! ☢️🎮 And that’s not all—raids, pets, and a whole new zone have also been added! There’s never been a better time to jump into the game. Fallout 76 is available now on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation! @Bethesda
Thanos + Tenge Tenge 🔥 #SquidGame #round6 #thanos #bigbang #bangbangbang #Kpop #kdrama #netflix @Netflix
Vencedoras ⭐️🏆@Fernanda Torres minha homenagem as Fernandas ❤️ #fernandatorres #goldenglobes #aindaestouaqui
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