😮💨 I keep telling myself it’s so much better then it was!!! #daybyday #steady #barndo #barndominium #cashproject #thatchipperbunch #geappliances #abcwarehouse #update #michigan #selfcontracting
Another step closer!! Still have to do another coat on each wall, and minor touchups! ##thatchipperbunch##paint##barndo##barndominium##update##house##buildingahouse##fyp##michigan##exciting##17foot
Making room for more people ✅.. Doing what we can with what we’ve got! #SuperBowl #michigan #timelapse #satisfyingvideos #clean #CleanTok #barndominium #barndominiumliving #unfinished #barndo
Replying to @Calista049 I think you’ll love the end result!! #westerndecor #rustic #house #barndo #paint #sherwinwilliams @sherwinwilliams #barndominium #barndominiumliving #fyp #paintcolors #excited
Part 2 of todays progress!!! How does he do it all, I’ll never know! #Painting #drywall #mudding #sanding #drywaller #barndo #barndominium #sherwinwilliams #paint #michigan #thatchipperbunch
✅ Another day of progress! Got the window/end wall primed & big windows clean! Another step closer! #barndo #barndominium #fyp #michigan #thatchipperbunch #painting #sanding #drywall #buildingahouse #barndominiumliving
Another full day of work! Now it’s the exciting part.. PAINT!! Headed to the @sherwinwilliams store today!! #drywall #drywallfinisher #barndo #barndominium #barndominiumliving #prime #paint #excited #thatchipperbunch #onedaycloser #progress #update #yay #fyp #michigan
Finally a house update!!! More to come. Stay tuned!! #houseupdate #barndominium #barndo #drywall #mud #drywaller #drywallfinisher #michigan #thatchipperbunch #fyp #update
#ad I gotta say, this is a pretty cool toaster! I like knowing how long I have left before it’s done! #smarttoaster #smartappliances #toast #cooking #cooktok #bagel