OVER 50 MILLION VIEWS ON THIS TALKIN' TOONS VIDEO WITH @SETHGREEN !! Thank You to the FANS!! Man I still don't know how I got through this episode with Seth making me belly laugh every take! Thanks to @nerdist for making this happen, definitely one for the books. For more info visit: RobPaulsenVoice.com #VocalCoach #voiceoverartist #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor #tmnt #carlwheezer #robertpaulsen #fanchats #FBF
WOW thank you to @colbertlateshow this is an amazing homage to @theanimaniacs. You guys are heeeeelarious. #90sbaby #90scartoons #90skid #90snostalgia #90stv #AnimationLover #ComedyRelief #CartoonVoices #RobPaulsenFans #RobPaulsen #animaniacs #growingupinthe90s #ColbertLateShow #Hilarious #90sCartoonMemories #StephenColbert #RetroVibes #TVNostalgia #90sKidsUnite #AnimationFans #LateNightComedy
DEAR AMAZING FANS! I'VE GOT GREAT NEWS, but I need your help 🙏 I'm currently pitching my own TV show, and I need to show these amazing people who will help me make my show, how much you want to see it! So, let's show them how far this post can reach! PLEASE -> 👍 LIKE 🗣️ COMMENT 💌 SHARE THIS POST 🎥 If you're feeling EXTRA enthusiastic...please make a video telling them how much you're excited to watch it! 🚨 Please TAG ME in the video so I can watch and share it. I'm so grateful for all your support, and I CAN NOT WAIT for you to see it. 🙏THANK YOU, FOREVER!! ROB PAULSEN #RobPaulsenTVShow #LikeCommentShare #carlwheezer #tmnt #voiceoverartist #RobPaulsen #90sbaby #90scartoons #90snostalgia #AnimationLover #ComicConFans #NinjaTurtles #Yakkopinky #animaniacs #animaniacsinconcert #carlwheezer #pinkyandthebrain #theanimaniacs #yakko #yakkowarner
🤣Take it from an old timer, there's a lot of work out there and you're ready to play with the big kids. 🗣️I'm always happy to share what i've learned along the way. Let's make your journey a little easier, shall we? 👉For More Info or to Sign up for a one on one session with me, Please Visit RobPaulsenVoice.com #VocalCoach #voiceoverartist #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor #tmnt #carlwheezer #robertpaulsen #fanchats #Motivation #ForwardMotion #IndustryExperience #RobPaulsenWisdom #CreativeJourney #CareerAdvice #StayInspired #RobPaulsenVoice #RobPaulsen
The clock is ticking on TikTok. I’m moving over to Blue Sky, and if TikTok is saved, I’ll be looking forward to coming back and seeing y’all. In the meantime, go check me out at blue sky at yakkoraphatello. Hang in there friends. We’ll figure this out. #robpaulsen #voiceacting #voiceactor #animation #cartoon #tmnt #tmnt2012 #animaniacs #pinkyandthebrain #carlwheezer #jimmyneutron #rickandmorty #bluesky #gratitude
Music by J. Strauss. Lyrics by Chris Otsuki. Mickey and Minnie inhabited by Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor, respectively (who were married in real life. I know, right?) sangin’ by your humble turtle. #disney #threemusketeers #mickeymouse #minniemouse #johannstrauss #voiceactor #voiceacting #disneymusic #grateful ❤️