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19158Classifica globale
651Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video16
Nuovi seguaci15.13K
Nuove visualizzazioni26.42M
Nuovi Mi piace2.64M
Nuove recensioni3.41K
Nuova condivisione40.62K
EM🦄  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
EM🦄 Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 26.42M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.06% -
Mi piace nella media 228K Piace / Visualizzazioni 11.87% -
Recensioni medie 328 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.01% -
Condivisione media 5.09K Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.15%
EM🦄 Video piccanti
POV: you’ve finally found matching outfits for you and your son 🥹 find my storefront link with all of my collection faves linked in bio. #amazonessentialsxsofiagrainge #amazonessentials @Amazonfashioneu ad
Sorry I haven’t replied I haven’t slept/showered/eaten in days xxx
What we eat in a day🐣💁🏽♀️ (I’m in a calorie deficit but monkey is bulking)🐒 @Cal AI
What me and monkey eat in a day!🐒 I’m obviously trying to get my milf summer body and monkey is still bulking so this is typically what I would eat! And let me know if you enjoy these types of vids?? And plz don’t judge me for the tea🫠☕️ #mumlife @Cal AI use my code EMILYFAYEMILLER for a 3 free day trial 💕
Mine and monkeys new fave thing 🐒 @Bloom Nutrition Amazon have 30% off on all Bloom Greens and colostrum! 🌱💚 #bloompartner
My boy is teething bad and I’ve had no sleep in 3 days. I reallyyyy shouldn’t be waving around my 🔪 like that 😅🫠🍉 @Cam Holmes can you come home now
Getting my hair cut & coloured for first time in a whole year! 🙈💇🏽♀️@Kris Barnes
9 months in vs 9 months out 🥹🤍 PS I’ve waited my entire life to do this post.
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