For some reason there seems to be a need to associate certain movements with particular animals to justify doing them. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with emulating animals, but it’s definitely not necessary to explore the full range of movements that you’re capable of. Worse yet, I’ve heard people avoid movements specifically because they associate them with a particular animal. “I’m not going to walk on all fours like a dog.” “I’m not a horse.” “I’m not a monkey.” “Humans are (or aren’t) meant to move like this.” Whether you’re crawling, climbing, crouching, or anything else, you’re doing the human version of it. Sure some of our movements can look similar to those of other animals, but the fact that a human is doing it makes it a human movement. There are no movements that will make you more or less human, only more or less capable. You don’t need to pretend you’re a dung beetle to flip a tire, unless you enjoy doing it. You don’t need to associate any movement you’re capable of with any animal besides the one you are, human. Again, no judgement if you want to do some “animal movements” This post isn’t intended to make you do less. In fact, what I’m saying is to not let those associations limit you in any way. If you made it this far feel free to add to the discussion, or just drop and “XP” in the comments to let me know you read the whole thing. Now go get some XP. #gogetsomexp