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Nuove visualizzazioni3.84M
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Leahhhbeauty  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Leahhhbeauty Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 3.84M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.03% -
Mi piace nella media 10.29K Piace / Visualizzazioni 17.65% -
Recensioni medie 29 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.03% -
Condivisione media 125 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.14%
Leahhhbeauty Video piccanti
Advertisment <3 The perfect base for any occasion ✨@Lancôme Products used: - Génifique Ultimate serum - Teint Idole ultra wear foundation 202W & 135N - Teint Idole Ultra wear all over concealer 02 -Teint Idole Ultra wear skin refining setting powder - Teint Idole Ultra wear C.E. skin transforming bronzer - Teint Idole Ultra wear C.E. skin transforming highlighter - juicy tube - Idôle Power EDP to finish the look off 💋 #lancomemakeup #messeithlancome #perfectbase #baseroutine #makeup
THANK U FOR THIS RECIPE @Abby Baffoe IM OBSESSED #coffee #vanillalatte #cinnamonlatte #baristaathome #latte #nespresso
Heartbreak and dance party all at once 😂 @JULIE FIALA;) #sabrinacarpenter
PURE KAOS HAHAHAH (invited/ad @Kylie Cosmetics ) #grwm #spain #bilbao
I CANT WAIT TO WEAR THESE ALL SUMMER OMG (not sponsored lol but I wish) @susmiescollection #reversibletops
AD - What do you think of this new dyson i.d. ?? 💗✨ @dysonbeauty #DysonBeauty #AiwrapId #Ad #blowout #dysonairwrap #dysonid
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