281907Classifica globale
60029Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video20
Nuovi seguaci7.39K
Nuove visualizzazioni1.44M
Nuovi Mi piace64.75K
Nuove recensioni963
Nuova condivisione20.19K
tasteconnecticut  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
tasteconnecticut Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 1.44M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.51% -
Mi piace nella media 1.9K Piace / Visualizzazioni 7.33% -
Recensioni medie 40 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.07% -
Condivisione media 597 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 1.41%
tasteconnecticut Video piccanti
@breakingcrab is a must try seafood boil spot in Waterbury. 📍 495 Union St Space# 2100, Waterbury, CT #ct #thingstodoinct #connecticut
@Hungry Bowl (Newington,CT) is a new must try Mongolian Grill restaurant opening in Newington on February 3rd. 📍 3025 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT #ct #connecticut #thingstodoinct They’ll be offering one free boba drink from 2/3 through 2/10 with your purchase. See restaurant for full details.
AD: @Mohegan Sun is a must visit spot this winter. #ct #connecticut #thingstodoinct
@Burgerway is a must try burger spot in Connecticut. 📍 15 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT #ct #connecticut #thingstodoinct
@yaleartgallery is a must visit museum in Connecticut 📍1111 Chapel Street - New Haven, CT #ct #connecticut #thingstodoinct #art #museum #newhaven #yale #free
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