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Nuovi seguaci15.66K
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Nuovi Mi piace139.76K
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Stayfancybodyjewel  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
Stayfancybodyjewel Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 14.13M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.11% -
Mi piace nella media 1.8K Piace / Visualizzazioni 1.17% -
Recensioni medie 11 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.01% -
Condivisione media 242 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.11%
Stayfancybodyjewel Video piccanti
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic#fyp #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Replying to @heidiheiberg242 We've been crafting this initial chain for three years tho😂🥰Taylor absolutely slaying it🔥🔥🔥🔥#legchain #initialt #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Replying to @ms.ikiriza Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Replying to @a3x30 Taylor absolutely slaying it!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥#taylorswift #taylorswiftgrammys #taylorswiftinitials #initialchain #initial #initials #legchain #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #giftforher #promlook #grammy #troy #fyp #initialt #selflove
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Replying to @curatedvintagebride Bet you're gonna rock it🔥🔥🔥🔥#legchain #initialt #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp #weddingtiktoks #weddinfideas
Replying to @lesoircharmant She ate🔥🔥🔥#legchain #initialt #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Replying to @renylllyner She SO SLAYED IT🔥,but NAH we've been crafting this initial chain for three years💗#legchain #initialt #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Replying to @kate_brock69 She definitely slaying it🔥🔥🔥🔥 we also do Taylor's version now!!! #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Key word:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle#fyp #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #diamondrings #engagementring #sterlingsilverjewelry #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelry
Key words:"diamond initial" link in bi0 #stayfancy #fancyjewery #jewelry #affodablejewelry #baddiestyle #boujeeonabudget #aesthetic #diamonds #baddie #baddieaesthetic #jewelryoftheday #explore #explore #SmallBusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #selflove #promlook #earrings #giftforher #legchain #garter #bodyjewelry #initialnecklace #initialjewelryTaylor #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
Replying to @britttbrat666 🔥🔥🔥🔥#legchain #initialt #bodychain #initialjewelry #initialnecklace #garter #bodyjewelry #grammy #promlook #troy #tylorswift #grammys #fyp
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