Paese/regione:Regno Unito
48030Classifica globale
1595Classifica Paese/Regione
Nuovi video174
Nuovi seguaci51.77K
Nuove visualizzazioni29.71M
Nuovi Mi piace1.65M
Nuove recensioni14.09K
Nuova condivisione86.02K
BRITs  Andamento dei dati (30 giorni)
BRITs Analisi statistiche (30 giorni)
Visualizzazioni medie 29.71M Seguaci / Visualizzazioni 0.17% -
Mi piace nella media 16.05K Piace / Visualizzazioni 11.13% -
Recensioni medie 125 Recensioni / Visualizzazioni 0.05% -
Condivisione media 689 Condividere / Visualizzazioni 0.29%
BRITs Video piccanti
that moment where it all sinks in… @Charli XCX wins @Mastercard UKI Album of the Year for 2025 #BRITs
still not over MOTHER @charlixcx winning Artist of the Year 🤩 #BRITs
@STORMZY giving props to @CentralCee on his massive year is the type of camaraderie we love to see🤝 #BRITs
86 years worth of vibes on the red carpet. there's truly only one @grimegran ❤️ #BRITs
@dannyjonesofficial and @tomfletcher get their red carpet readings with @sianwelby and @zezemillzofficial 🔮
all @Fontaines D.C. want is a bev with @amylandthesniffers 🍻 #BRITs
nah but IMAGINE playing Candy Crush while @jadethirlwall gives you the exclusive listen to her new music 😮💀 watch #BRITs 2025: The Warm-Up on Thursday 27th February from 9pm on ITV2/ITVX #brits
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