#ad ad | things to have in your emergency essentials kit! 🆘🌟 storms and winter weather can cause lots of problems, one of these being power cuts and as a disabled person, this can mean a lot of extra stress & possibly dangerous scenarios if you don’t have spare medications etc prepared!! 💬 what else would you guys have in your essentials kit? #disability #powercut #nationalgrid #advice #tips #neurodivergent #disabledcommunity #accessibility #wheelchairuser
#ad ad | how to get free support during power cuts! ⛈️👉🏻 for people who have accessibility needs or who may be vulnerable, emergency situations can feel so overwhelming @National Grid UK offer a free resource you can sign up to called the priority services register which gives you access to benefits such as: ⭐️ a dedicated phone number to contact for support during power cuts ⭐️ provide help through trusted partners such as British Red Cross ⭐️ up-to-date information on any planned interruptions ⭐️ advice & support during unplanned power cuts hopefully this free resource can make some of you feel more at ease and be better prepared for situations like this!! 💛 #disabled #wheelchairuser #neurodivergent #disabledcommunity #powercut #advice #support
my wheelchair attachment BROKE 🥲😭 on the first day of a big trip… in london. this is a snippet of my new youtube video which is a big vlog of me & @jet in london zooming through the streets & doing LOTS of wheelchair maintenance 😂♿️ it’s up now if you want to see the rest of the day!!! 🫶🏻 #disabled #wheelchair #wheelchairuser #disabledcommunity #accessibility #disabledtravel #wheelchairlife #fail
i found this in my drafts from before i got my autism diagnosis a year ago, and it still rings so true 🌈 before my autism diagnosis, I truly thought that I was just bad at friendships and bad at socialising!!! I constantly felt guilty for only enjoying conversations that involved deep thoughts/feelings or facts about things I enjoyed 🙈 but I now understand that this is just the way my brain works. and that is okay. Small talk can be incredibly difficult for autistic people and although it’s very inconvenient when we’re in a neurotypical setting, it’s really important for us to learn that we are not broken and that is okay that we function differently!🩷🌟🌼 #s#selfacceptancem#mentalhealthmattersd#disabilitya#autisticy#youareenoughn#neurodivergenta#autisticadulta#autisticcreatora#acceptancec#communication
i absolutely love immersive experiences like this!!! 🌟🌃✨ meeting up with other wheelchair users & people from the disabled community is so fulfilling It’s such a special feeling not being the odd one out, and for accessibility needs to be immediately accepted and understood 🧡 this was the twilight trail at Mayfield Park in manchester - i think the light show has ended now but it is still an amazing park with all the equipment! #accessibility #accessible #manchester #wheelchair #wheelchairlife #wheelchairuser #accessibilitymatters #disabledcommunity #chronicillness
ambulatory wheelchair users exist! and they are valid!!! 👏🏻✨ i personally use a wheelchair mostly for managing my chronic illnesses. it helps to reduce pain, manage symptoms, reduce crashes/fatigue, prevent falls or fainting… and more!! one of my diagnoses is a neurological condition called FND, which causes periodic paralysis, tremors, leg weakness, dystonia and a loooot of chronic fatigue/exhaustion! this is the main reason i started to use/need a wheelchair back in 2020/2021 🧠 every body is different, and reasons for people needing mobility aids may be completely different - but this doesn’t mean they aren’t as valid or that they don’t “need” their wheelchair as much as somebody else ♿️ #ambulatorywheelchairuser #chronicillnessawareness #paralysis #wheelchair #awareness #disabilty #disabledcommunity #wheelchairuser #chronicillness #fndawareness #neurologicalcondition #spooniesupport
it’s been a YEAR since my autism diagnosis!!! 🌟🌈☁️ and i am learning to love life & accept myself more than ever :) it isn’t a quick or an easy process to stop masking and hiding your struggles - especially when you grew up constantly trying to fit in with the people around you But, what the past year has taught me is that I don’t need to hide who I am even if some things are different to others (to neurotypical people!) 🩷 getting my diagnosis taught me that there’s a reason I feel this way. There is a scientific research to show how my brain works. There are so many ways to accommodate and to adapt to my needs to make living (and enjoying life!!!) a little bit easier ✨ but one of the main things I found this last year, is that the *professional* validation of my diagnosis… gave me the *personal* validation i needed 🫂 it gave me that final push to truly start being myself & find out who I am underneath all the layers of masking and anxiety And I’m so ready to see what 2025 might bring, because I know I can handle it and I know if I keep accommodating then I will come out the other side a stronger person 💛 The most importantly, I will be me :) #autistic #autismawareness #autisticadult #neurodivergent #disability #diagnosis #disabledcommunity #selfacceptance #mentalhealthmatters #autismacceptance
where did i get my wheelchair frame covers? 🌱✨ an affordable wheelchair decor hack :) #wheelchair #disabilitypride #disabled #wheelchairuser #hack #chronicillness #disability #wheelchairlife #confidence #acceptance #dopaminedecor
IG: zara.bethx | YT: Zara Beth 🥹🧡 it’s been such a crazy 5 years!!! and i am so excited to keep creating content in 2025 & onwards 😌 starting TikTok definitely changed my life. It brought me to a community of people online who really understood me & who I could relate to It gave me an outlet when my life seemed incredibly uncertain (and scary at times) and creating content really has helped me through some hard times 🫶🏻 I’m so grateful for my job. That I get to help people and do my passion every single day?!!! SO COOL not only do I get to create content but I’ve also… ▹ released music 🎵 ▹ written an entire book (COMING THIS YEAR) 📚 ▹ made friends in the disabled/ND community 🫂 ▹ found my identity 🌈 ▹ learned new skills 💻 AND SO MUCH MORE! if you’re somebody who’s being affected by the TikTok ban, then I hope we can still connect on other platforms - and if you’re here to stay then hello!!! thank YOU. i’m incredibly grateful for you all :) ##tiktok##creator##tiktokcreator##neurodivergent##disabled##tourettes##wheelchairgirl##chronicillness##neurologicaldisorder##MentalHealth##reflections
this is a deeper post to capture a lot of my recent feelings 🌈 life feels so uncertain when you’re chronically ill and also neurodivergent. I never quite know what my days are going to look like or whether my health will deteriorate or get better. But one thing I do know, is that I now understand myself better than I have my entire life 🫂 I’ve put in the work over the years and I truly do feel like I’ve accepted who I am I finally got my autism diagnosis, adapted to chronic illness symptoms, accommodated needs, and I use the mobility aids I need to manage my mental and physical conditions 🧠 I’ve left friends behind who didn’t truly accept or understand me & made SO MANY new friends who understand me in the deepest way ❤️ It’s a really difficult journey to accepting yourself and finding a way of life that suits both your ambitions and taking care of your health 🫧 But trust me when I say that it’s worth the battle YOU are worth the battle. - #selfacceptance #autistic #disabled #wheelchairuser #chronicillness #MentalHealth #disability #acceptance #chronicillnesswarrior
FND awareness day 2025 🧠🧡 | i was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder 4 years ago, and this is a bit of my story! I don’t talk as often about my FND nowadays (mostly because it’s more well managed than when I was in high school) but it’s still something that affects me every single day my symptoms include: ✰ non-epileptic seizures ✰ paralysis episodes ✰ drop / sleep attacks ✰ dystonia / limb locking ✰ brain fog & memory loss ✰ chronic fatigue & muscle weakness ✰ chronic pain ✰ tremors and FND can cause so many more debilitating symptoms 🫂 It’s a condition that is so widely misunderstood, and research is incredibly underfunded - this leads to inadequate care and a lot of people being left without support this needs to change. ❤️ some resources include: @@fndhope@@FND Action ##disabledcommunity##chronicillness##disabled##wheelchairuser##chronicpain##chronicfatigue##functionalneurologicaldisorder##fndawareness##fndhope##fndhopeuk##neurologicaldisorder
#ad ad | how i pace my travel days using Visible 💙 i’ve used visible for about 10 months now & it’s been so incredibly helpful for tracking my energy!!! i can see which activities spike my heartrate and also track how my symptoms change over time so i can better manage my flare ups 🧠 it also really shows how much my chair improves my fatigue management because my heartrate is kept in my ‘rest’ zone instead of being constantly in the ‘over-exertion’ zone ♿️ travel days are much more manageable now i have data to see what helps and worsens my symptoms the most 💛 i will always highly recommend visible bands! @visible.health #disabled #wheelchairuser #disabledcommunity #accessibility #accessible #chronicillness #pacing #accessibletravel #chronicallyill #postcovid #fnd #dysautonomia
ADVICE NEEDED for flying with a wheelchair??? 😭🙏🏻 i plan to get on a plane this year & any tips are so welcome! it’s so sad that wheelchair users have to think about all these extra risks just because we need a mobility aid to get around 🥲 I really hope in the future travel can be much more accessible for disabled people things to consider: ⭐️ which airlines are safest/best? ⭐️ should i fly with my attachment? ⭐️ how to protect the wheelchair frame? ⭐️ any bad experiences you guys can share? all advice is much appreciated!!! ##disabledcommunity##chronicillness##disabled##accessibility##wheelchair##wheelchairuser##advice
ACCESSIBILITY AT SEALIFE LONDON 🦈✨ I absolutely love exploring new places and I’ve been to a few aquariums before, but this was definitely the biggest one yet 🙈 I met up with my friend @jet in London the other week and we spent the day exploring and seeing the animals 🐢🐠🦀 this was also the day where my wheelchair attachment broke… but if you want to know more about that, go and watch my recent reel 🤣 my YouTube channel has a full vlog of this day if you want to know the entire story but overall, it was such a fun day!!! I’m so grateful I can now do trips like this now I have my mobility aids and can manage my energy better 💛 #disabledcommunity #wheelchair #chronicillness #chronicallyill #neurodivergent #autism #autisticadult #autistic #specialinterest #animals #wheelchairuser #accessibility #accessible #wheelchairaccessible
life is meant for living, not for being perfect 💛 every single human being makes mistakes or has things that they don’t like about themselves We all have things we can’t change and things that we wish we could. i spent the first 17-18 years of my life wishing i could fit in, and not knowing that i was autistic but ive learned that in the grand scheme of things… life is just here so that we can exist and have the most fun we can. 👏🏻 life is for moments where we’re laughing, trying new foods and experiences, spending time with people we love, finding out what we like and who we are, wearing clothes that make us feel confident it’s taken me years to allow myself to just be whoever I am (all quirks and neurodivergent traits included!!) and actually enjoy all the small moments but now i’ve started to accept myself, I am actually LIVING. there is so so so so much joy to be found in every day when you look for it 🥹🌼🌟✨ #neurodivergent #autistic #disabled #selfacceptance #laughter #doitfortheglimmers #youareenough #MentalHealth #joyful #neurodiversity