Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic
I 50 migliori video piccanti(Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic )
Buat kamu yang sama kayak aku, suka kerja dimana aja. Sekarang ga perlu repot bawa laptop yang tebel dan berat! Cukup bawa HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2 ini bisa menemani produktifitas kalian! Jadi tablet ini itu more than laptop experience! Aku juga rekomendasiin buat kalian yang suka gambar kayak aku ❤ karena tablet ini itu super komplit sudah ada aplikasi exclusive yaitu Go Paint! Jadi ga perlu beli aplikasi lagi. #HUAWEIMatePad #CreationOfBeauty
How make the #SquidGame candy #dalgona 🍬🍭 What you will need: 2 TBSP sugar pinch of Baking Soda chop stick egg pan parchment paper solid non plastic surface smooth metal item to press like a pot or pan cookie cutter or etc #squidgamecandy #dalgonachallenge #dalgonacookie #DIY #tiktokpartner #LearnOnTikTok #howtomakedalgona
Is this too niche? #girlmom #toddlermom #momlife #MomsofTikTok #momtok #momblogger
Saying words backwards is a standard dyslexia screening task to determine the strength of phonemic awareness. A lack of solid phonemic awareness skills will make this task difficult, and is a hallmark of dyslexia. #dyslexia #dyslexiasquad #dyslexic #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiamyths #dyslexiacheck #dyslexiatiktok #dyslexiateacher #dyslexiapov #dyslexiagirl #dyslexiatest #dyslexiascreening #dyslexiasymptoms #learnreadingofficial
some hygiene tips that you might need to know ☁️🫧🤍🛁 #hygienetips #laundrytips #antibacterialsoap #laserhairremoval #showeroil #showertok
100 years of skirt! 80s all the way 🤷♀️ #vintage #vintagestyle #throughtheyears #skirts #100yearsoffashion #creatorsearchinsights
Sardine slander is not welcome here 🐟 another day, another air dry clay tray #airdryclay #airdryclayideas #diygift #diyvalentine #trinkettray #sardines #fishermanaesthetic
update : Blake is showing no signs of infection yet. Bless. 🫶🏼✨ ALSO umm @kindlingsnacks .. we are in love. Yummiest whole-grain pretzels w/ 8 g of protein. (try the dill pickle flavor 🥒🥨 pls trust me on this one)
Replying to @. RECIPE: ingredients: basque cheesecake: 650g cream cheese block, softened 195g sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 5g cornstarch 20g flour 2g salt 180g eggs 250g heavy whipping cream A spoonful of biscoff whipped cream cheese: 4 tbsp cream cheese 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1/4 cup powdered sugar process: 1. Preheat the oven to 450F. 2. Combine the soft cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, and eggs and mix until completely combined. 3. Add the sugar, salt, cornstarch, and flour. 4. Pour in the melted biscoff and mix. 5. Pour the batter through a strainer into a loaf pan OR an 8inch round pan that has been lined with parchment paper. 6. TIP: I lined my loaf pan with biscoff cookies, but they slightly burnt on top. I would suggest either cutting the cookies or covering them with the cheesecake to avoid this. 7. Bake for about 30 minutes. The cake should be jiggly in the center when you remove it from the oven. 8. Allow the cake to cool completely before placing it in the refrigerator overnight. whipped cream: 1. Combine softened cream cheese, heavy cream, and powdered sugar until fully combined and whipped. Don’t over mix! 2. The next day you can decorate with more biscoff spread & the whipped cream mixture✨ the recipe is in grams because it needs to be exact. I’m working on a cup version for those without a scale💗 #basquecheesecake #burntbasquecheesecake #dessert #baking
And you’d do it too! #newborn #momtok #MomsofTikTok #babyfever #motherhood
Kakve profesore vi više volite? Blage ili stroge i pravedne? 👨🏽🏫 #tonimilun #milunnatiktoku #profesor #fakultet #ucenje
Trying out Conti’s Pistachio Crunch Cake! Love that they always put out something special and creative during Valentine’s. @Conti's Bakeshop & Restaurant 🍫🎂💚 #contisph #foodieph #hngryhnnh
I make this at least once a week😅 recipe: 2.5 lbs thinly sliced ribeye 1 onion finely chopped 3 green onions marinade / sauce: 1/4 brown sugar 1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce 2 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp hoisin sauce 4 tbsp chicken stock 1 tbsp minced ginger 4 cloves crushed garlic marinade for at least 2 hours for best results! #DinnerIdeas #bulgogi #EasyRecipe #ramadanrecipes
Opening a mystery bag of stuff I got from the thrift store for $4 #pusheen #blindbox #thrift #thriftstorefinds #rat #toys
why I’m not buying any more groceries
Aventuras en la naturaleza en Baja Calornia Sur 💚 #rancho #aguastermales #loscabos #bajacaliforniasur
So happy to be moved and settled in my new home🥹 time to get back to normal life rather than this moving craziness 😌💗 #LAvlog #movingvlog
February book club pick 💕 the romantic tragedies of a drama king 💘 link in bio to join ! #bookclub #romantictragediesofadramaking @allstorabooks
Not buying any more groceries until my pantry is used up Part II: Edamame Shiitake Dumplings! (…kind of)
Instagram:facundotv estoy subiendo más contenido de este viaje en Roatan
Get dressed with me to go skiing in the alps🥹⛷️ Ski suit @perfectmomentsports Slippers @UGG® Boots @moonboot #skioutfit #skiing #perfectmoment
Last “snowed in” morning here🥹🫶🏼tbh loved the last two days w the kids at home. We played so much and I will cherish this forever💕#MomsofTikTok #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodunfiltered #morningvlog #morningroutine #snowday #momoffour #realmomlife
RIP to her old bf 🫡 #fyp #fy #foryou #albatross #wisdom #animals #nature #wildlife #laysan
Sad možete proslaviti kada znate koliki povrat poreza vas čeka🥳 #tonimilun #milunnatiktoku #porez #financije #financijskapismenost #placa
Svaki put ostanem šokiran kad shvatim koliko ljudi plaća poreze koje ne moraju plaćati. Provjerite jeste li vi ili vaši roditelji među njima🫣💶 #tonimilun #milunnatiktoku #porez #financije #financijskapismenost
Para que se lo mandes🫶🧡 #DIY #ideas #detalles #manualidades #sanvalentin #tutorial
Antwort auf @Grimmi571 Hier kommt das Rezept für das schnellste und leckerste Sauerteig Brot 🥖 Dafür braucht ihr folgende Zutaten: 400 g Weizenmehl, Typ 550 70 g Roggenvollkornmehl (am besten beides Bio) 90 g Sauerteigstarter 310 g Wasser 10 g Salz Anleitung: Zuerst gibt ihr alle Zutaten bis auf das Salz in eine Schüssel und knete das ganze kurz durch. Danach fügt ihr das Salz hinzu und lass den Teig dann für 1 Stunde zugedeckt stehen. Das ganze nennt man auch Autolyse 👩🏼🍳 Dann macht ihr zweimal Stretch & Foulds mit jeweils 30 Minuten Abstand dazwischen. Danach folgen drei Coil Folds, auch mit jeweils 30 Minuten Abstand dazwischen. Nun könnt ihr den Teig so lange abgedeckt stehen lassen, bis er sich verdoppelt hat. Nutzt am besten wie ich im Video ein kleines Gefäß, um zu sehen, wann er sich genau verdoppelt hat denn wenn ihr ihn zu lange gehen lasst, wird er zu sauer. Danach bringen wir ihn in Form, und er kommt in das Gärkörbchen und für 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank. Danach den Ofen auf 315° ober Unterhitze vorheizen. Dabei auch direkt den Bräter mit vorheizen. Dann kommt das Brot für 25 Minuten mit Deckel in den Ofen und danach noch für 15 Minuten ohne Deckel. (ich werfe hier gerne immer noch zwei Eiswürfel mit in den Ofen um etwas Dampf zu kreieren.) das Brot dann auf einem Rost auskühlen lassen und genießen. #sauerteigbrot #sauerteig #sourdough #sourdoughbread #mischbrot #weizenbrot #schnellesbrot #rezept #sauerteiganleitung #sauerteigrezept
New York City shopping is truly elite if you know where to shop🙂↕️ Here’s some of my favorite unique stores in NYC 🫰🏼 @Mure and Grand @Coming Soon @🌸Susan Alexandra🎀 #nycshopping #wheretoshop #nyctiktok #shoppingtok #nyctok #nycstyle #nycfashion #homedecor #homedecortiktok #nycjewelry #lowereastside #nyccheck #nycchristmas #nyctips
Peter’s final choice surprised us all! #paintpottery #guesswhich #guessinggame #pottery #fyp #weekendactivities #paint #ceramics #familyactivities #fun #paintingpottery
started and ended my trip with an onigiri ☝️on brand of me #japantravel #traveltojapan #travelvlog #onigiri
Reklame @Fagbevægelsen | FH ⎸ Bare lige en kærlig reminder om at blive lidt bedre til at lytte til dig selv og bede om de ting du har brug for. 🙌❤️ På dinfagforening.dk kan du lære mere om, hvordan en fagforening kan hjælpe dig med at få nogle af de ting - og finde den fagforening der passer bedst til dig. 💻 #fagforening #overenskomst #Vlog #kærligreminder
Come spend the day with me as the CEO of @Bashify , today we went to @The Home Depot to get paint colors for this weekends ‘Cherry on Top’ balloon install 🤭🍒💖 #betterwithbashify #cherryontop #balloon #balloonvlog #balloongarland #balloonbusiness #balloonartist #balloondecor #cherryballoons #balloonprep
Heb jij het Schiphol uit 1928 al eens bezocht? 🥰🧳 Het stationsgebouw werd geopend ten behoeve van de Olympische Spelen van datzelfde jaar in Amsterdam. In ons museum is een replica te vinden, waar je dus zelf letterlijk terug in de tijd kunt stappen. #lerenoptiktok #schiphol #museum #airport #history #aviation
I ran into Breiana on the street and got to learn about how the gym turned her life around while styling her curls 💘 Products Used: Fix My Curls Cleansing Shampoo @Voir Haircare Rhythm of the Rain Hair Masque & Scalp Detox @THE OUAI Curl Creme @designmehair Bounce.Me Curl Balm @L’ANZA Hair Care Butter Whip Styling Foam @Dyson USA Diffuser Just wait for the before and after 😍 #curlyhair #curls #curlygirl #streetinterview #curltransformation #creatorsearchinsights
Come prep for a @Bashify install with me - today I did a walkthrough of our new helium bar to get the balloons ready and used our @Cricut to prep a jumbo helium balloon 🤭🫶🏻 #betterwithbashify #heliumballoon #heliumbar #balloonartist #balloons #balloon #heliumballoons #jumboheliumballoon
Zanim zapytasz o cenę, sprawdź FAQ w linku w bio 😊 Ponowna realizacja notesów dla hodowcy. Cieszę się, że ufacie mi i wracacie po kolejne zamówienia ❤️ #booktokpolska #BookTok #notes #notebook #bookmaking #bookbinding #polskibooktok #książki #bookmedia
I thought I discovered a new species 🤓 but it still appears to be very rare!! #tidepool #worm #flatworm #lowtide #octopus #marinebiology #stem #seacreatures
This meal was in fact toddler approved!! 🤌🏼
This is Bobby Bean and how i brought him to life (: 💡 #claymation #Stopmotion #behindthescenes
Any child who has experienced housing insecurity can tell you this is the dream ♥️ I can’t thank the people who helped me and my mom all those years ago but we can pay it forward! We love Dorothy Day House! #dorothydayhouse #housinginsecurity #kindness #payitforward